An appendix;

  1. Yielding;

    The tree outside the bedroom window glows like an over-ripe persimmon drunk in the afternoon heat. An Angophora costata, or smooth barked Sydney apple gum. Her trunks rise upwards two floors, go this-way-then-that. Shimmers not an arm’s length from the sun. I think of all the ways she has acquiesced, in order to make pliable her stature. Undressed for the most part, her canopy towers above us offering a celebrated haven for the local birdlife. Like mine, her arms fold into elbows where small creases bend the weight and snare, now and then, the immovable object of our house. Orange gun metal bark sheds carefully when it can. Smooth barked Sydney apple gum skins my window in a fizz of pooling silver. Pressures of cambium and sapwood coursing wildly out of sight.